Friday, July 6, 2012

Junior turns 2!

What else can one do when one's Saint Bernard turns two?  Throw the biggest doggie party on the block!  And nobody throws a doggie party better then Sue Jin!  Check it.
Doggie treat bags for the guests, birthday biscuits courtesy of Dee, and of course party hats.
The birthday boy getting dressed for his party.
Oh yeah, looking good, and ready to partay!
Or not... getting that hat on was exhausting.
Guest and bff Buzz, looking a little sad that his treat bag got jacked by his dad Mike.
Mike and Junior swear they didn't take Buzz's treats.
Willie seemed a little tipsy as he started several scuffles over the birthday biscuits.
Could it have been because Sue Jin was secretly eating all the biscuits?
Wow, a dog must have gotten into the cake!  There's no way that's the leftovers from 4th of July and some human mauled it.  Junebug doesn't mind though!
Great party Junior!  Happy Birthday!!!!

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